How to Calculate Direct Materials Used

These items vary with production volume, but cannot be traced back to specific units of production. Bills of materials often include unit quantities and standard costs of all the material used in a respective product. But note that while production facility electricity costs are treated as overhead, the organization’s administrative facility electrical costs are…

10 1 Financial liabilities and equity

Equity investing is the business of purchasing stock in companies, either directly or from another investor, on the expectation that the stock will earn dividends or can be resold with a capital gain. Equity holders typically receive voting rights, meaning that they can vote on candidates for the board of directors and, if their…

Completed Contract Method Explained

Note that this change is done on a “cut-off basis,” meaning that the new method of recognizing revenue and expenses only applies to transactions on or after the reported date of the change. The revenue recognition standards that ASC 606 introduced changed the equation slightly for contractors reporting under U.S. This is because instead of…

Net Cash Flow Formula

The net cash flow formula shows you how much capital you have on hand to continue operating your business. Cash is important for day-to-day operations—you often need it to pay bills, vendors, insurance, and other necessary operating expenses. Cash flow from operating activities excludes the use of cash for purchases of capital expenditures and long-term investments, as well as…